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Contract Marketing Service provides consultants in Marketing Management-
providing marketing management professionalism through Marketing Management consultancy, and Interim Management or Executive Leasing.


If you want answers to these questions then Contract Marketing Service can provide them through either:

Contract Marketing Service Consultancy
Interim Management or Executive Leasing


To remain competitive, most companies today keep their management and staff to an absolute minimum. The area of management most vulnerable to this “minimalist” approach is Marketing.

Production managers are needed for today’s output: accountants for this week’s figures, salesmen for tomorrow’s orders. But, - Marketing? Well things are alright now, so that can wait, and wait: until suddenly what was a desirable extra, becomes an absolute necessity.

Professional,qualified and experienced marketing executives are indeed expensive, but changes in market circumstances may reveal weaknesses in a company’s management skills and experience, especially where the company lacks its own marketing specialist.

For companies which require:
  • Extra marketing skills without permanent overheads

  • Wider marketing management experience for only as long as necessary to complete the task.

  • Professional marketing management for specific projects.

  • Marketing at a senior level on a temporary contract.

CONTRACT MARKETING SERVICE provides professionally qualified marketing management on a part-time basis as an “interim Manager” or “Leased Executive”, to augment the existing management structures.


CIM Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) | IMC- Institute of Management Consultants | SWIG SoutWest Member

The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) is the world's largest marketing professional organisation, with more than 60,000 members. We work closely with the marketing profession, government, industry and commerce to develop greater awareness and understanding of what marketing can contribute to UK and International business.

As marketing faces up to the challenges and contradictions of the new millennium, the CIM provides leadership, knowledge and expertise for everyone involved in the marketing process.

Recognised and respected by employers- employers throughout the industry now recognise the value of recruiting a qualified Chartered Marketer. Companies are becoming increasingly more demanding with the advent of competition law and product regulation. Business, particularly in Europe, is subject to an increasingly regulatory framework. In addition, winning customer preference in highly competitive markets is becoming increasingly difficult, due to the variety and choice that customers have today. Whilst experience is valuable, it needs to be underpinned by robust and relevant knowledge which can be achieved through membership of CIM. Consequently more and more employers are seeking CIM members for their senior marketing roles.

The Institute of Management Consultancy (IMC) promotes excellence in consulting to management by supporting, qualifying, and regulating individual management consultants. Membership of the Institute affords many benefits – not least the opportunity of peer support and the ability to display an independent endorsement of your skills.

Founded in 1962, the Institute is a member of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI), which comprises 39 member bodies. We have both individual members and 28 Certified Practices. We award the CMC® which is the only career qualification for practising consultants. It is portable and recognised in all the countries that belong to the ICMCI. The CMC is the best independent assessment of your consulting competence and the Institute is the only awarding body for this qualification.

In May 2004, the Chartered Management Institute and the Institute of Management Consultancy announced their decision to join forces. Together the two organisations work to promote and develop excellence in management.

The South West Consultant's Group (SWIG)- the Independent (from the major consultancy firms) South West Consultant's Group was originally formed out of the Association of MBAs to provide networking opportunities.

Since then existing members of the Institute of Management Consultants have been added as well as many more freelance Consultants, with an even wider range of skills and experience. In fact, those interested in networking with other businesses have joined - all interested in business are welcome.

Business performance maximized -unique management suite of software tools (also available at: Marketing Performance Measurement and Measuring Marketing Performance )

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Nicholas Watkis,  Contract Marketing Service © 2004- 2006